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Online Masterclass

6-Week Conscious Communication Masterclass

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Are you ready to live the relationship of your dreams?

You’re 1 sentence away from coming back to connection from any triggering situation!

Conscious Communication Masterclass

Why Learn Conscious Communication?

Everybody knows that good communication is paramount to a sustainable healthy relationship. 

Mastering Conscious Communication is like having a superpower for dissolving power struggles, placing healthy boundaries and cultivating deeper intimacy.

School, TV drama, and dysfunctional relatives are NOT the best role-models for an intimate relationship where you can be fully yourself and be loved and appreciated for it.

Intimacy is feeling reassured that we are loved and accepted for who we are.

You can have it all!

We do. 

Let’s be honest, my wife and I have moments of struggles. We fight, we argue, and we trigger each other. But in previous relationships, conflict would lead to disconnection, loss of love, and ultimately breaking up. Now we’ve found a way to lean into each other. When we disagree, it’s an opportunity to learn about each other and to better understand each other. We feel more connected and closer to one another.

We’ve been through tough times. When our son was born, he spent 6 weeks in the hospital between life and death. He endured 4 surgeries in his first year. That challenge tested our strength and our bond.

Like every couple, we disagree and we trigger each other. But each time we find ourselves more connected and more in love with each other. We’ve created multiple businesses together and we’re building the life of our dreams. We grow together and our relationship gives us strength and purpose.

Do You Struggle with Relationship Challenges?

Are you tired of feeling lonely? You may feel lonely because you’re going from relationship to relationship, and real intimacy remains elusive. Or because you’re not finding the right partner. Or you may be in a committed relationship and still feel lonely, not valued, and not understood.
Are you tired of fighting and arguing?
Are you frustrated that your partner won’t change and your needs are not getting met?

This 6-week program will give you a breakthrough to change negative patterns and be  understood, seen and heard, and valued for who you are.

It's time you get the best relationship you've ever had!

Is This Program for You?

Your values:

Do you value understanding each other over being right?
Do you value ownership (taking responsibility) over blame and shame?
Do you value healthy boundaries over codependency?
Do you value growth over avoiding your shadow?
Do you value transparency and equality over power struggles?

Your desires:

Do you want more intimacy?
Do you want more cuddles, play, connecting sexual intimacy, and warm feelings?
Do you want to fall in love deeper and deeper as the relationship deepens?
Do you want to be seen and understood for who you are, during your glorious moments as well as your moments of doubt?
Do you want your relationship to give you purpose and more creative energy, instead of draining you with drama?

If you replied “yes” to any of these questions, the Conscious Communication Masterclass has been designed specifically for you.

Here’s the Program

When you register, you get immediate access to Module 1. You can start watching the videos right away and doing the exercises. Each module is about 1 hour long.
Each week, we do a live group call to practice what you’ve learned, answer your questions, and discuss your homework.
The following day after the live call, you get access to the recording in your member’s area. You also get access to the videos of the next module.
And so on and so forth for 6 weeks.

Module 1: A New Language

How to express yourself in the most direct, authentic, and accurate way, so you can be clearly heard and understood quickly.
A new paradigm: how to shift from a communication of right/wrong, blame/shame, winner/loser to a communication of empathy, compassion and understanding.
How to live in compassion without being a doormat.
The neuroscience of our triggers (101).
The practice of self-empathy.
A simple daily practice to integrate Conscious Communication easily.

Module 2: Ownership

How to use Ownership to piece shame and cultivate self-reflection, empowerment, accountability, empathy, and gratitude.
Why empathy is so counterintuitive and why “empaths” can be the worst at empathy.
Unconscious Communication: 5 ways we tend to imply self-righteousness unknowingly.
Communication Formula: you’re 1 sentence away from coming back to connection from any triggering situation.

Module 3: Trauma

I wish I could avoid talking about communication without having to touch on trauma, but unfortunately the very nature of intimate relationships tends to reveal trauma. Therefore you need to know how to recognize trauma and how to communicate when trauma is present in yourself or in your partner.

You’ll learn:

How trauma shapes your belief systems and your vision of the world, as well as your partner’s.
A process to finally be able to see your blind spots.
The 3 types of projections, and how they can impact your relationship negatively.
The 4 types of attachment wounds and how they can create a dynamic of misery.
An introduction to IFS (Internal Family Systems) and the 5 stages of clearing trauma.

Module 4: Triggers

The neuroscience of triggers (201).
How to access the secret message of our triggers and stop blaming others.
The best communication formula to stop arguing right away, without feeling unresolved or abandoned.
How to manage differences effectively.
A practice to release your judgments and your triggers without hurting the other.
Neuroscience on secondary feelings.
A detailed practice to managing your emotions (based on Karla McLaren’s book).
The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (from the Gottman Institute).
Communication Formula for Conscious Complaining: how to express a complaint without provoking defensiveness.

Module 5: Boundaries

The 3 types of boundaries.
Why “hard boundaries” don’t work.
Why you don’t need to be more assertive to place healthy boundaries.
The 6 counterintuitive key principles to finally understand healthy boundaries.
The essential 6-step self-reflection process to prepare yourself BEFORE you communicate any boundary.
Communication Formula: 7-step formula to communicate your boundaries without rejecting the other, provoking defensiveness, or being rejected for expressing your boundary.
Examples of good boundaries.

Module 6: Dissolving Power Struggles

The Drama Triangle explained.
Ways you may be giving your power away.
Why avoiding power struggles still feeds into them.
The 4 ways people try and overpower you.
Communication Formula: how to communicate effectively to dissolve power struggles.

Bonus Videos

Bonus 1: Psychic Self Defense for Empaths, with shaman Holly Million.
Bonus 2: Mastering Empathy, with Katrina Vaillancourt.
Bonus 3: Polyamory and open relationships communication mastery and safe sex talks.

Weekly Calls

You can watch the video modules at your own pace and learn various communication techniques. But if you want to fully integrate these principles, you need to practice on personal, real-life situations. 

That is why we’re also doing weekly live group calls. At the end of each video module, you’ll get to fill out a worksheet about a personal challenging situation you’re facing. During the calls, we’ll discuss your personal situation to help you get unstuck, refine your communication, and get from where you are to where you want to be.

Each week we meet for a 2-hour Zoom call.
We’ll answer your questions related to the module of the week.
We’ll discuss your homework of the week.
The next day you'll have access to the recording of the call in your member’s area.

Live Calls Calendar

Registration ends on Tuesday, November 8th at midnight, Pacific time.
Onboarding call on Wednesday, November 9th at 6pm, Pacific time.
Practice call for Module 1 on WednesdayNovember 16th at 6pm, Pacific time. 
Practice call for Module 2 on WednesdayNovember 23rd at 6pm, Pacific time.
Practice call for Module 3 on WednesdayNovember 30th at 6pm, Pacific time.
Practice call for Module 4 on Wednesday, December 7th at 6pm, Pacific time.
Practice call for Module 5 on WednesdayDecember 14th at 6pm, Pacific time.
Practice call for Module 6 on WednesdayDecember 21th at 6pm, Pacific time.

Online Community: practice, practice, practice!

Get access to our private Facebook group exclusively reserved for course members.
Access to a like-minded community to feel supported and validated, and to practice Conscious Communication.
Get personalized advice: tell us what you’re going to say or how you intend to handle a specific situation and we’ll help you refine your communication so that you get the result you want.

Lifetime Access

There is no time limit for accessing the recorded videos and interacting in the Facebook group. You can revisit this course long after the 6-week intensive is over.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If for any reason you don’t find this book useful, or you simply don’t like it, no worries, shoot us an email and we’ll refund you entirely, and you even get to keep the book. So there’s zero risk on your part.


Q: What happens after I purchase the course?

A: After you submit your order, you’ll create a username and password. This is how you’ll access the member's area. That’s where you’ll find all of the video content, download the workbook, and access any bonus content. You will also receive an email confirmation of your purchase, and an invitation to join our private Facebook group.

Q: What if the course doesn’t meet my needs?

A: No problem. We have a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for this course. If you are at all unhappy, just shoot us an email and we will be happy to assist you.

Q: How long will I have access to this course?

A: There is no time limit for accessing the recorded videos. You can revisit this course long after the 6-week intensive is over.

Q: How much time do I need to spend each week?

A: You’ll need to set aside 1 hour for watching the videos, 30 minutes to do the exercises, and 2 hours for participating in the live call.

Q: Are my credit/debit card details secure?

A: Yes. All payments are processed through our payment processor and are 100% secure.

Q: What if I have a question or I need support?

A: We are here to help. If you have any questions about the content, write a comment under the related video, in the Facebook group, or ask directly during a live call. If you have any access or billing issues, simply contact us at help@relationshipalkemy.com and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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