The 4 Neural Pathways to Access Altered States of Orgasm! With Leah Piper

Today we have such a juicy topic with a sexy presenter… let’s talk about sex and expanding pleasure!

What if you could unlock your unrealized potential and access altered states of orgasms?

Leah Piper is a Tantra teacher and a sex geek. She combines her 20-year experience of Tantra with the latest scientific research to map out the woman pleasure map.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • The 4 major neural pathways all women can have access to
  • The clitoral orgasm
  • The vaginal orgasm
  • The difference between the G-Spot and the Sacred Spot
  • Understanding Amrita, squirting and female ejaculation
  • What to think about anal exploration

If you enjoyed Leah’s talk, follow her and get her free video training on “Never Miss Another Clitoral Orgasm Again!” here:

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Hi. Welcome back to our podcast RelationshipAlkemy. I’m Jordan Bessaignet.

I’m Olivier Bessaignet.

And today we have a super juicy topic, four neural pathways to access altered States of Orgasm.

Yes. And to talk about that with us is Leah Piper. How are you doing, Leah?

Happy. How are you?

Very excited and very excited about this topic.

I already feel super juicy. I just want to start off by saying that I’m definitely ovulating right now.

What’s up with that?

I am so excited to talk about orgasms.

So just to introduce shortly. I know I love Leah. I love you. And I’ve got so much respect for you. So I went late 2019, rather, to a Township workshop led by Charles Mir. And this is where I met Leah. And I was really impressed with your teaching style, your knowledge, but even more than that, your constant openness. And I remember one of the questions that some woman had where if the guy asks me kind of inappropriate stuff or stuff that makes me uncomfortable, like, can you lick me? Or can you do this, do that? Which could be shocking to some women. You have a way to love that person and acknowledge that person, not make them wrong whatsoever, on the contrary, but still keep your boundaries and not necessarily do it. So I got really impressed where I mean, it looks like it takes a journey to get there, to stay in your heart no matter what.

Yeah, you got to heal your stuff to get there. I had to really heal my hurt, my frustration and part, even hatred of men to find this place. There was a part of my sexual experience where I felt abused and misused by men, and that had to get whole before I could really show up in this unconditional love and not resent their desire the way they might objectify you in their desire. Yeah. Instead, it was like my heart opened at their expression for their desire, and I stopped being mad that they would even consider that I would fulfill their desire. And instead I could go, oh, my God. Yes, of course, that would feel amazing. Of course you would want that. You’re no fool.


Now, although I’m not going to fulfill this desire you have in the moment. But we can play and the longing and the wanting and the desiring. That’s a yummy place to live in, to expand into desire without necessarily doing all the parts they give you and fulfills it. You can learn a lot about pleasure, and you can learn a lot about expansiveness, and you can learn a lot about not suffering because of your attachment to getting. So it’s not that it’s desire is bad. It’s the attachment to your desire that’s bad. It’s not pleasure that’s bad. It’s the attachment to pleasure that gets you in trouble.

How it’s supposed to look like. And unfortunately, some of the communication of the men can be poor. This is not the topic of today, but we’re going to talk about neuroscience and neuropathy, women specifically. But just I mean, this is such an amazing shift mindset or paradigm shift that you bring that just blows my mind. And she just did it. Isn’t it amazing? How does she do it?

Yeah. I think I’m really heartened that that was an AHA moment for you, because it has certainly been an AHA journey for me to explore that and to show up with this approval forward mindset, especially around our sexual desires and natures. And when you are trusted with that intimate part of someone and they’re expressing their intimacy and their desires and their wants and their needs and all of this stuff to hold that as something sacred and not to make someone wrong for it. We’re so shamed for these things, starting at a really young age. And for me, that kind of mind shift change where I don’t feel obligated to give you what you’re requesting. Instead, I can celebrate it and still say no and give what you want to give.


There’s this piece about and that I’m really getting off on lately.

Me too. I really love the and statement because it really shows the complexity and the full spectrum that is the human experience.

I just recorded a video for a communication class, and I just said, the mind thinks in black and white, either or. But the hearts can hold both truths simultaneously. So what I’m hearing is like, I mean, I didn’t even know where you were coming from, like the extent of your journey. My mind was blown by the results on how you could hold yourself.

Yeah. And it’s really not so gender specific. I mean, we have our cultural storyline around men and women, and that dynamic. But it’s interchangeable. That attitude, that experience of being generous with our assumptions of what someone else is thinking, feeling, asking for it’s.

Like men try to find connection through sex, and so they might express it poorly or in a way that’s objectifying. And it was like slimy and everything. But this is the vulnerable reach for connection, and you translating it so well. I was just saying, let’s talk about neuroscience. Let’s talk about orgasms.


Let’s get into the juicier aspect here, which is orgasms. And what do you want to know about orgasms? Everything, I’m sure done a lot of self exploration, but obviously we can all know more about orgasms. And so what I’m really curious about is the science behind the orgasm.

Yeah. So I’m not a scientist, but I’m a sex geek, so I love understanding some specific nuances when it comes to our experience as human beings of having a really fulfilling and satisfying love life. And part of this process is about embodiment. So when I started to get involved with studying, like, the anatomy of how our body runs, arousal and what it means to feel turned on and how does arousal get higher or lower? And what is it to have a turned on life? And then I start to experience my own orgasms as these multi dimensional things. And it felt like when different parts of my body were being stimulated. Sometimes it was like I was eating a beautiful, delicious cake, but then other times it felt like a three layer cake. This is how I sort of think about the neuropathways to how we can affect our orgasmic response in a bigger, more intense, more powerful, more longer lasting way. And so it’s important to know what needs to be stimulated where. And then it just blew my mind when I started to understand that there were these different pathways that brought these orgasms to the brain.

So what you need to know, number one, is that your brain is the biggest exorgan. It’s your brain that is sending the message to everything else, like some powerful is happening. Are you awake? Are you paying attention? Are we here for it? So we want to bring a mind that is present to have these bigger, more transcendent experiences of pleasure. Now, if you think about we are basically electricity. What we are and what we want to think about is like, we want the currents to be strong between these arogenous zones and our brains so that the messages get stronger. Yeah, you’re feeling it. So in some people, it’s like their wires get crossed and they’re not able to feel what their body is actually experiencing because the wire is crossed. So I believe that having some of this information can empower us and getting the circuits uploaded correctly. So now that we know that we got to engage the brain, next is what are the pathways that we’re most familiar with? So women are going to be probably about 80% of women. And don’t quote me on the percentages, but this is my anecdotal experience is that about 80% of women are very familiar and have a sense for clitoral orgasms, like, their body knows that one.

Whereas 20% of women have a harder time with clitoral orgasms, but a much easier time with vaginal orgasms. What’s the difference between the two and how are they different from each other? So the clinical orgasm has a neuropathy that goes from the Prudential nerve to the brain, and that is a little bit like, similar to a male ejaculation, to give a reference point, where it has a peak and it has a Valley and it comes down. Now, other experts say that a clitoris doesn’t have a refractory period the way a penis does. When a penis has an ejaculation, it often loses its erection. It has to recover, and then it can have another erection. And that shifts and changes as it man ages. A clitoris is very much like a penis. If you were to look at the anatomy. And my experience is that a lot of women are one. And dumb when it comes to a clitoral orgasm, you can train your body on how to have multiple clitoral orgasms. But I’ve noticed in my own body that my little clitoral erection kind of needs to be like it winds down before it’s going to Rev back up.

So the other thing that I wonder if this audience I’m sure they will the women that are listening will have a similar felt sense where you’ve had an orgasm. Now, I want to preface this by saying never met an orgasm I didn’t like. I just got some that I like more than others.


This is the one that I call the spiking clitoral orgasm, where it rushes up, it peaks really fast, and it’s almost really intense. And when it comes crashing down, you want to squeeze your legs together and it’s almost like a runner over too much. And then you’re done. And it’s really challenging to quickly come back to desire again and turn on because it’s like it kind of burnt out the light bulb.

Yeah. I’ve definitely experienced that. Sometimes we’ll be engaging and it’s funny because it doesn’t even feel like an orgasm in the sense of, like you said, never met an orgasm I didn’t like. But no, come on. Some of them I definitely prefer. And so, yeah, I definitely have experience that feels like when you turn on the light switch too fast in an older house and the light bulb goes like, yeah. And then I’m like, oh, please don’t touch me there. Let’s move on to another body part or another engaging in a different way during our sexual practice. So I have totally been there. And I’m so curious about what you’re going to say next because I feel like I just had the biggest AHA moment.

Like, oh, my God. For men to sort of have a felt sense for what that feels like. It’s like when your frenulum at the tip of your penis is overstimulated and it starts to feel like a raw nerve and it’s just too much sensation. So that’s kind of what that spiking clitoral orgasm is like. However, if we are mindful, especially for the giver who is doing the stimulating upset clitoris. And when I say clitoris right now, I’m really concentrating on the head of the clitoris and maybe the shaft of the clitoris. I’m not referring to the rest of the clitoris, which is, as we’re starting to learn in the world, much more impressive. Yeah. With that in mind, when the way you can avoid the spiking clitoral orgasm and turning into a rolling, expansive journey of pleasure is to resist the urge for the one applying the friction, to Rev it faster. When her body starts to respond with more energy or current or her own physical movements, it’s like you start to see your partner edging to the waterfall and we’re going to get off of the waterfall. We’re going down over the waterfall to speed up what you’re doing.

And then for her, she can do everything she wants to make the intensity more by moving her own body. She can reach for more friction with her hips and her movement, or she can pull away and stretch out that pleasure a little bit longer. And then if it starts to dissipate, then she leans into it again. She can lean out, lean in, lean out. And this is how you start to round out your clitoral pleasure, avoiding the spike. And if you can work with your breath at the same time, so your breath is starting to get tuned in with, God, I want more woe. I better hold back because it’s going to be too much. And now I kind of play with this.


Like your body is this musical instrument really kind of think about leaning in and leaning out when it comes to clitoral stimulation. Now how is that clitoral orgasm we just described different than a vaginal orgasm?

Is that the second neuropathy?

This is the second neuropathy. You always bring it back to the clitoris if questions arise. The vaginal orgasm is indicative of the vaginal walls contracting rapidly. Okay. So it’s like rapid vaginal contractions. That’s basically what a vaginal orgasm is. And a lot of women who feel inadequate because they’ve never had an orgasm or they think there’s something wrong with them because they’re not as orgasmic as someone they know or have seen on TV. I want to reassure you, you are actually having vaginal orgasms. You just can’t feel them yet. But when you laugh, like out of control Pierce streaming down your face, you are just cracking up because something was so funny. Your vagina is doing rapid contractions just like a vaginal orgasm.

Laughter medicine. Yeah.

So just remember that you’re having them. We’re just about getting those wires into a loop instead of cross.

Okay, so quick question, because just for those that may be listening, who may not understand, how do those wires get crossed?

Like stress, trauma, pollution, also not having a template for how to be in your body. So for some people, they’re more disembodied because bodies hurt. And so depending on what stage the information got implanted into the nervous system, they can be more they live life a little bit more from up here, either in their head or even out there in that space.

This is.

Yeah, the airwaves. I call it the airwaves. And they’re not in their body very much. Now that doesn’t mean that all people like that are not having orgasms. Many of them are. But Tantra is a practice of embodiment, and that’s my specialty. So it’s all about experiencing life through the body and increasing your tolerance for discomfort, learning how to process the discomfort of emotions and feelings and life experiences more quickly so you don’t miss out on all the good stuff.


So with the vaginal orgasm, its connection runs through the spine, through the pelvic nerve up to the brain. And it’s different from a clitoral orgasm. The way that I like to describe it, it’s kind of like instead of having a peak in a Valley, it turns and it rolls and squeezes and it spirals and it descends and kind of is one of these more than, like, descending?


So it has this expansive quality. It feels really big, like a balloon blowing up is how I would describe it. My voice often changes, too. I talk with my body, as you can tell. So I’m trying to give everyone, like, the mirror neuron vision. You can have them, too. And they’re easier to have multiple climaxes with a vaginal orgasm than it is with a clitoral orgasm. And my theory is because of that refractory period and the fact that a lot of women are coming too hard with their clitoris, they’re being overstimulated to the point of losing the clitoral erection, preventing that multiple experience from occurring. Whereas the vaginal orgasm. I’ll just say the last thing that I want to hear from you, Olivier. It’s important that blood and the clitoris, but that we’ve got blood coming into the vagina and the Volvo, that’s what’s going to support part of that ascending spiraling phenomenon.

So in your four neuro pathways right now, you’re talking about the vaginal orgasm. Do you include the Gspot as part of the vaginal orgasm in that one pathway?

Okay, wait, so real quick, what’s the Gspot?

All right.

Okay, so the Gspot is this spongy tissue, also known as the urethral sponge, also starting to be considered as the female prostate gland. And the Gspot itself was named after a gynecologist doctor Graffenberg or Groofenberg or something like that. Some German physician.

It did not exist before he found it.

Of course not. He found it. Exactly. He discovered it.

He invented it.

It did not exist before he invented it. That’s why I meant to say.

Well, I’ll tell you, Freud pissed off a lot of women when he compared the vaginal orgasm to the clitoral orgasm as the clitoral orgasm being the immature orgasm Snowdon. All of them are wonderful. Yes. This Gspot is one of the ways that women start to connect the felt sense of their vaginal orgasm. And it’s found along the front of the vagina. So if you can imagine pubic hair, and then behind the pubic hair is a pubic bone. And if you were to go inside and reach for the clitoris, as if you could touch the back of the clitoris, there’s this tissue that runs from the vaginal opening. Like, I need a model. Okay, if this were the vaginal opening, you have the south pole, you have the north pole. And the clitoris would be like, right here. Hello. The tip of the clitoris would be up here at the top. But if you were to enter near the top of the vaginal opening, the north end, you would discover that the tip of the G spot for a lot of women is right there near the edge of the opening. I’m pointing to my nose because to me, the G spot, it feels like the length of a nose.

And if you kind of press on your nose, it’s firm, but it’s got to bounce. You can feel like it’s got to give. And so does the Gspot tissue. And so you can track the length of the G spot by starting at that opening. And then you just curl your hand like a cradle reaching for the back of the clitoris. And what you’re actually feeling is you’re feeling the front of that pubic bone. And then you curl your finger to right at the tip of that pubic bone. And you’ll notice that there’s a little it’s not very distinctive. It’s more energetic in nature, but there’s a little like dip. There’s a sweet spot. It’s like your finger just wants to land there. It’s like, come on home right here. And this is what’s known as the sacred spot. People confused, and they think that the sacred spot is a G spot, and that is not true. The sacred spot is an energetic Meridian, like you would apply an acupressure or acupuncture, and it is the direct Meridian for the psyche of our sexual center. And it’s like this portal into what I call the everything.

So for a lot of women who are experiencing G spot massage for the first time, they often report it being uncomfortable. They don’t really like it. And the reason for that could be too much pressure on the touch, too much speed in the touch, too much trying to make something happen.


Versus just like supporting holding. And it’s best if the woman receiving it from a partner does her own moving versus a partner trying to do things. And then the experience is nicer. Now, what you need to know about the Gspot is that it’s a rectile tissue, just like the Volva has multiple zones for erectile tissue. And for those of you who don’t know, a woman has as much erectile tissue, inch for inch, L for ounce as men. So you can imagine an erect cock right now. Now imagine a Volva and a vagina, and imagine it being cocklike with its own erectile networks fully engorged. How do we start? Now? It’s so easy to see a man’s arousal, and sometimes it’s hard to visually see a woman’s arousal. But here’s the deal. When was the last time you gave someone permission to look? Let’s look at it. That’s one of the ways we’re going to learn more about our bodies. One of the ways that you can test this and start to feel the difference between your clitoral experiences and your vaginal experiences. Again, that would be the pudendal nerve. And the pelvic nerve is to start to go on a journey with yourself.

And you can just massage the outside of your vulva and then after five minutes, first you have to take a look at your Volva before you touch it.


And notice its color, its shape, how the lips are folded, and then massage it for five minutes. Take another look. What’s changed? Has the color deepened? Are the petals changing in terms of their opening or closing? Are things glistening? All those symptoms of turn on. And then another five minutes and another five minutes. And then I would do this for a half hour, and you’ll start to see how it opens. You’ll see the magic of how our own erectile network comes alive. And if you can get the outside of your Volva a little more puffy and darker in color, you will already have started to bring the blood into the lining of the internal vaginal walls, into the G spot, into the perineum sponge, which will make penetration a lot more comfortable and orgasm potentially much more successful due to penetration, which, again, a high percentage of women have never experienced before.

I do have a question, or if you could talk more, a little bit about in the world of town, try in the world of having more orgasms with the more vaginal orgasms, there’s an assumption that it creates strength in a sense of muscle strength. But my understanding is, like you said, the tissues get engorged. So, for example, like using the jet egg, from the Western perspective, it’s like, oh, it’s going to be like a workout. So I’m going to get stronger, right. So can you elaborate just on that?

Yeah. Okay. So when the blood comes into the lining of the outside, the vulva, what’s interesting is there are two there’s vestibular bulbs that are underneath the labia towards the entrance of the vagina, the entrepreneurs. So you’ve got these two pockets of erectile tissue that gets filled with blood. When that gets engorged, it makes the vaginal opening tighter, creating more sensation for both partners in penetration. So there’s this idea, and it’s a wonderful thing, actually. I really encourage people to practice where you start to educate your pelvic floor muscles. And your pelvic floor muscles is made up of an intricate muscular hammock. And one of the major muscles is called the pubic oxygeus muscle. And it runs from your tailbone to your pubic bone. And so when you practice keggles for women who have had babies and are familiar with that exercise, it’s not unlike that. But what you want to do is you want to be able to squeeze and then hyperrelax. What people get wrong about strengthening their pelvic floor muscles is they believe it’s all about strength, right? It’s about relaxing, relaxation. That’s the magic. And many people are chronically tight to the point of having chronic pain where sex becomes impossible.

It can be very severe. So we have to learn how to relax our pelvic floor and make it stronger.


So by squeezing and contracting and squeezing and contracting the muscles and then learning how to isolate them. So if you just squeeze your anus, you are squeezing a part of your pelvic floor. If you can learn how to isolate it from the pubic oxygen muscle, which is then squeezing the urethra range, which is squeezing a different part of your vagina, then if you squeeze your lower abdominal wrecking muscles and you squeeze those and you learn how to separate them from the other two, you’re squeezing the top portion of your vagina. Now you can play your vagina like a three to a five string instrument. Blood and oxygen to the tissue. That’s what’s key for part of the rewiring answer all of that. But I have a feeling that your next question is going to lead to how does that connect to the Amrita?

Yes, actually, I was going to give a little real life example from my life just to bring it to some embodiment. But before I met Olivier, I’ve never had a vaginal orgasm, which actually now that you’re giving me more of a definition of what it is, I actually have had a vaginal orgasm before, but I was in orgasmic with male partners in specific. And so I’m just comparing my experience of our sexual practice before I had our sun to now because there’s a very distinct difference. For example, we always had to use lube before I had Cedar.

Oh, really?

Yes. Like, hands down, we always had to use lube. And then the first time we had sex postpartum, we’ve never had to use lube since.


Yes. And based off of the information that you’re sharing, I can see before when I was my maiden self, I definitely was more uptight in my pelvic floor. And there was, like more tightness there. More tension. Yeah, more tension. And then with the birth of my son, who, by the way, was £10. 6oz. Oh, my God. Vaginal home birth, which definitely was pushing a bowling ball out of my Yoni. And I think that really helped my pelvic floor relax.

Wow, that’s incredible.

We did about Cast episode specifically on her experience about two, three weeks ago about surrendering into the feminine. And she was explaining that a lot of women, when you say in the movies, like push, push, they think of pushing out. That’s not what you did.

No, actually, because going back to these muscle isolations, it felt like I’m doing the motion right now. So I can try to describe it, but it felt like I was working with my Yoni. Mioni was like breathing and pulsing. And it became this experience where I was listening to what my own I wanted, which was to get the purpose was to get our son out birthday, I actually had an orgasmic birth experience. Yeah.


I was blessed.


But also you didn’t push it.

My mind was not controlling the experience. My pussy was. My pussy was controlling the experience. And therefore, it became this euphoric like, because Me Jordan worked with my pussy, it became this euphoric, pleasurable orgasmic experience.

We had a home birth, which means we were not on the schedule or the schedule of the hospital or the doctor, which means it took 2 hours for that, as you call this period of time when you start pushing.

Yeah, I was pushing for 2 hours.

Yeah, she was pushing for 2 hours. Usually it’s like, okay, once you start pushing, it’s time to get the baby out. But the head of the baby was going, like, Peekaboo and back.

Yeah, Peekaboo. And then just, like, a centimeter a little bit more, and then back in and then another centimeter.

She took all the time in the world that she needed, which is why it was not a masculine birth.

Wow, that’s a great story. You made this connection to feeling like you could breathe through the I love that because often in my meditation, that’s what I’m imagining. I’m bringing the breath in from either from my roots or from my own, and I’m breathing it, and the inhale comes infuses my whole body. I imagine that I’m giving my brain a bath with this inhale, and then my brain is like a waterfall. The energy drenches me as it comes back down and out through the Oni. And so I think it’s really powerful when we talk about uncrossing the neural pathway is to work with the breath and the mind to imagine a waterfall, because one of the things that is exciting for a lot of people to explore is this idea of female ejaculation.


Of, like, really experiencing the element of water and then the element of air and the movement of that deep feminine archetype that is associated with those elements. And so then you can start to really use your mind in a powerful way of pulling the current of your sexual energy up to give your brain all this juice and then allowing your brain to give it all back. And that’s part of the process of changing and strengthening your neural pathways. Now, this whole female ejaculation idea.

Yes. I have so many questions, and it’s funny because we had a sexual experience, and I’ve been feeling it building inside of me and just, like, going through my process, not sure how to release it necessarily. And so I did have an experience shortly after, but I was sharing with Olivier. Okay, what is female ejaculation? What is everybody talking about? Because some people are like, it’s just pee. And some people are like, this is like, Holy liquid. This is like, yeah, Amrita. And I’m like, I’m so confused. What is it? Is it pee? Is it Amrita? Like, am I just wet? I don’t know.

Yeah. Sometimes I think this is where the either it’s not an either or. Sometimes it’s an. And now there are doctors have described it as, like, sexual incontinence, which is just absurd to me. But it said give you a little bit of, like, what it is. I don’t know the exact percentage, but our blood is a very high percentage of water. I think it’s, like 92% or something.


So when we have blood flowing into the rectal tissue that is showing and allowing our bodies to feel turned on and starting to increase our experience of higher levels of arousal. When it comes to the urethral sponge known as a Gspot, the glands that surround the urethra, they have these microscopic hairs. They look like hairs under a microscope called schemes. So you’ve got blood flowing into the sorbetile tissue, and the more aroused you get, the more blood it wants to send down in order to make room for more blood. The theory is that the water starts to separate from some of the blood, creating a fluid that is actually a hormonal fluid. It’s not like water. We tested it and its components of what it’s made up is the most, like, prosthetic fluid than any other fluid that the body makes, which is why they were starting to think that the female Gspot is actually the female prostate gland. So when the whole gender thing occurs in the magic of the embryo, boys get a prostate gland, girls get a G spot. And that’s why stimulating the G spot itself is sort of a part of the process with which most women begin to learn how to turn that button on.

It’s an awakening process. It’s not something that people just go, oh, I’m just going to rub this G suite, and magic is going to happen. It has an accumulative awakening effect. The more you do it and the more embodied it starts to feel, the deeper relationship the woman makes to this part of herself. It’s not an it. It’s a you that affects the experience. Now, you said something very interesting. You said, I’m feeling like you’re having this intention of something filling. I sense that you are feeling the fullness, and you know that there’s something connected to that in the expression of armer, which is absolutely true. What might help you deepen your experience of the letting go? A lot of mothers have likened it to be like the letting down of milk.

Yes. So just to give a little bit more personal experience, when we first got together, Olivier had performed sacred spot massage. And for me, it was so painful. It was extremely painful. And a lot of traumatic sexual experiences that I had been through started to come back into my mind and started the surface. And, I mean, Luckily, I have this beautiful man.


He was prepared for that, and it totally blew my mind.

Like, what? You know, how to just hold me there’s trauma.

And then as I worked through my body’s, sexual trauma, not just, like, rationalizing it or understanding the concept in my head, but allowing my body to grieve and have its own experiences through that sacred spot massage became more pleasurable and more pleasurable. And then now getting to this point where it felt like, okay, there’s something here. There’s something waiting for me on this other side. And it was actually recently only I think a week ago we had finished our sexual practice and we were just laying together and I felt very safe to let it release. And it literally felt like pearls dripping from my pussy. Yeah, that’s what it felt like.

It’s so beautiful. Yeah. That letting go represents so much. There’s a holding that I think the feminine does. And I think it’s a service that we are born with that we know how to do, but it can get so full that we can’t take any more in, we can’t take any more goodness in. And so when we’re able to empty and figuratively, that could represent Amrita, it could represent a good cry, a good poop, whatever the case may be a good talk, then we get to empty out so that we can keep on taking more goodness in.

That’s a beautiful analogy. I’m really curious. So I had the one experience, but how do I incorporate that more? Is there something I can do?

I don’t know. Yeah. Here’s the thing. It’s about meditating with your pelvic floor muscles has actually been the most powerful tool for me. Like, if someone were to tell me, Leah, you can only share one thing to help people be a master lover, and you have to keep everything else out of the equation. The one thing I would teach is the pelvic floor education and what’s behind it all. Because it’s not just the contraction and the relaxation of this muscle. I think of it as my spiritual Chakra pump. That when I am connecting deeply to this part of my body and to these muscle groupings, I am churning and opening and cultivating, and I’m giving that to my brain and to my body and to my spirit. There’s this aspect in Tantra called Shakti, which is the feminine life force energy that exists in all of us. So when I am concentrating on the expression of pumping and squeezing and letting go of those muscles, it’s like me and Shafi are sitting down and we are going for it. We are communing, we are in touch, we are in right relationship. And so for me, it’s like this.

I’m really tuning into the waterfall. I’m really in cultivation of nourishing myself. And so it’s bridging sort of the physical thing with the spiritual thing. And however that fits your belief system, you should create a process for yourself that helps those two things merge, because that way we’re not separate anymore.


And you have a deeper relationship to this beautiful part of yourself that needs a lot of healing. So then what happens, Jordan, is we can start to get so tuned in to our pussy and to our Yoni that we can begin to turn it and be in our prayer with it to the point that we need no stimulation from anything other than the deep conversation relationship that we are experiencing through the movement of those muscles. And you can go into spontaneous vaginal and clitoral and vagus nerve orgasms just from the churning of your own pelvic floor. And that’s the power. And when you start to get so in touch with that, those muscles, they can go up and they can push down, bear down, or you can push up. And then this experience of armor test starts to connect. You start to realize that you can use the spiritual pump of your public floor to also pump the experience of Amrita. But why is he wear? Because there’s a difference between allowing the Amrita to flow and bless you, creating this current that feels limitless in nature. Because, umrita, can dribble out like the pearls.

It can spray out like a window bottle. It can drop out like the floor beneath you. It can gush out like the biggest waterfall. And it can keep going and going and going and blow your mind where you go, oh, my God, you’re still coming reality. That’s the potentiality of it all. And so what? My body, 20 years into this practice, is starting to reveal to me, which I love, that it stays so interesting. It’s rarer, and I expect that this will change. But right now, it’s rare for Amrita to come with, like, a ten climax where I’m in the world of I’m orgasming as I’m having Amrita. Miamrita is coming much earlier. My Amrita is now a signal that I’m dancing in arousal. And then I’m watching how my scale of arousal as I study my arousal, how it begins to unfold, and how the army is a part of the unfolding of these deeper States of pleasure and opening and back to the kind of the buyer beware. What happens is there’s a difference between Amrita and squirting? Squirting would be more of a masculine, goal oriented approach. I am going to squirt so I can look impressive.

I’m going to squirt so I can make him feel like a boss. And so it’s ego driven. And what it feels like afterward is depletion. So if you watch videos of watching people ejaculate watching women ejaculate, you can tell the ones that are having a genuine Amarita surrendered experience of letting go. And Shakti is moving her. She can’t move Shakti. Shakti only moved here. It’s not the other way around until we’re plugged in. We’re just looking for the outlet on the wall. You don’t run her, you go lesson number one. And then if you push, sure, you can make it happen, but you don’t get the gift of renewal. You don’t get the gift of vitality, and you don’t get the gift of limitless in the blessing of when you are surrendering and allowing this movement to be a spiritual teachable blessing of Grace.

Yeah, it just felt like a beautiful transmission directly from source.

We still have two.

Up until this point, as we’ve talked about pudental and pelvic, this whole vaginal female ejaculation experience. If we were to look at this as AAAA cake. Now you can stimulate the clitoris and the Gspot at the same time and create what’s called the blended orgasm, which is like a double layer. Neither are as powerful or as intense or as expansive. Without breath and sound. Breath and sound are your Superchargers. And it’s the sounding that helps us engage the third pathway of orgasm, which is the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the only nerve that runs from the genitals up the front of the body. It actually spirals and intersects throughout the body like a DNA Helix and intersects at the Chakra points. It goes into the heart, then it goes from to the brain. It comes from the throat. So that’s why it gets stimulated through sound. Why sounding is so critical to the expense of nature of orgasm. Because that’s how the Vegas nerve gets activated. So you get the brain blast of that particular pathway. And sounding will automatically without you having to think about it, it’s going to make your breath last longer.

So when you exhale, you can only exhale longer without thought. With sound, and your orgasm runs with the breath, you will short circuit your orgasm. If you hold the breath. If you keep your breath long, inhales long exhales yogis, you have a leg up in the orgasm game because you’re learning breath control. So with the carrying of the breath and it helping the neural pathway connect, now you’ve got the sound that is strumming the vagus nerve, which is now going to turn up the volume and intensity of pleasure. If you’ve ever had a crygasm where you felt so touched by the love that you are experiencing, the crygasm comes from the heart gasm, which is vagus nerve. You know, you’re having a vagus nerve orgasm when you go to the crygasm.

That is so sweet. I definitely love cry gasms.

Yeah. So we have the power to influence these other pathways with the Vegas pathway. So think of the Vegas as your frosting. Everything tastes yummy.

Wow. I really need to eat some cake.

If we have just a little more time, I won’t go into this in depth, but the fourth layer is the hypogastric nerve, and that is connected to the experience of anal orgasm. And I haven’t done my research yet on where else the hypogastric nerve is affecting our experience of different types of pleasure. But my hunch is that there’s a connection between hypogastric nerve and pelvic nerve for cervical orgasms. And then there’s another spot behind the cervix. I think it’s an interior wall that is talked about. I don’t have as much direct experience with that. But again, it’s like this deep, full, intense sensation. And Anal Orgasm is its own animal compared to the other orgasms.

We need a whole podcast to talk about.

Anal orgasm deserves it.

So many questions. We’ve recently began anal exploration and just so many questions. I think that deserves a whole separate podcast.

Yeah. It’s really powerful when we can let go and move beyond our judgments or cultural judgments that have been passed on to us about this area. And when we can just surrender, there’s no surrender. Like that surrender of the root Chakra. And it’s holding everything having to do with survival and belonging. All the stuff around that stuff.


The anal contractions that occur through the hypogastric stimulation of those nerves. So intense, so powerful, it’s streaming up the spinal column. It’s a game changer. It’s an awakening process, too. It’s like cumulative experiences lead to bigger outcomes.

Yeah. I think that would need a whole podcast.

Yeah. There you have it.

I’m up for it.

Your four yummy pathways. And why do you where to start exploring.

Wow. Thank you.

That was mind blowing.

That was mind blowing. I feel I have to go sit and think on some things because that’s, like, a lot of information.

I tend to just, like, Wham, Bam, it.

I love it.

I have to keep on reminding myself a little smaller bits.

That was beautiful. Can you just talk to us about what this page is about?

So I have a gift for anyone who would like a little gift. If you’ve ever had an elusive clitoral orgasm, which is like, you’re so close, you’re almost through the clitoral door, you can feel it, you can taste it, and then suddenly it disappears and you’re devastated and you’re like, oh, my God, Where’d it go? I’m so close. I have found out the secret of what we’re doing wrong when that clitoral door suddenly vanishes. It’s very simple. And how to change your response to the door so that the door comes to you, you never have to chase it again. And I ask that for those of you who watch this five minute tutorial that you then share this insight with everyone you know, because there have been too many clitoral orgasms that have gone unexperienced across the globe and across the ages. Unacceptable. So we spread the word so that everyone knows this simple trick to your clitoral orgasms being always satisfying.

Yes. For those who are listening to this is moreloveworks ComFree.

Yeah. We’ll link it in our show notes. So that way you can.

And the headline of this is, Never miss another Clotter orgasm again.

There you go.


You’re welcome.

For those who want to have more information with you, they can go to this page. What else we’re going to talk about your upcoming talk as well.

Yes. One of the other things I’m passionate about is male sexual mastery and how to become a wise man with how you respond to your sexual nature. You’ve got biology and you’ve got human spirit. And most men are operating from a place of biology. But as we develop more consciousness with our sexual energy, there are so many cool places that men can explore that most men don’t even know about. And so this is not only talking about premature ejaculation, but more importantly currently for any man who wants to just last longer in bed, the techniques and the practices that one wants to build as a skill so that a you can make love as long as you want to. And it’s all natural and it helps increase your vitality so that as you age, you don’t lose your voluntary erections, so that your erections don’t lose strength and become just sort of unreliable. So there’s a whole technology to how this process of vitality works for the masculine. And I’ve got a two hour crash course and next Thursday on the 28th in the evening, 05:00 Pacific time, 08:00 Eastern time, and anyone who’s ready to take it to the next level should join.

It’s just for men.

Though, surf bigger waves of arousal last ten times longer. Gain massive confidence as a lover without prescriptions gimmicks or what? I like the best performance anxiety, right?

Yeah. And I’m teaching that with my friend Dr. Willow Brown, who’s a psychologist, a Chinese medicine doctor, and acupuncturist and endocrinologist. And so she is bringing the health benefits of what to do to increase your health vitality and decrease the hormones that cause stress that create all that performance anxiety. And then I’m bringing a lot of the tons of practices and techniques that are going to help you engage being a master lover.


Wow, Leah, you are just such a gift. You are such a joy to speak with you today and to just hear your knowledge and your wisdom and. Yes, thank you.

Yeah. Thanks for being sex nerds with me. Isn’t it fun?

Yeah, we’re also sexy.

It’s really cool.

And just a reminder, if you’re listening to this podcast and you think that anyone that could benefit from it, please share it. Give us a five star rating. Leave us a message and a review. Yeah, leave us a review. Send us a message. All of it.

And you can find all the previous podcast episodes. If you go to under the podcast tab, you have all the links to the different platforms and you can click on your favorite platform and you can either listen to the previous episodes on this page or on your favorite platform.

All right.

And if you want to see my big hand movements, you can watch them.

I highly suggest watching this episode on YouTube because Leah touch with her body. Yeah, she’s a very embodied one.

I do. I teach with my body.

Yeah, Alrighty. I’ll be kind. Be well.


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